Sound Perception and Acoustics
In discussions among most sound enthusiasts on the various ways to improve the quality of audio production and audio mixes, the focus tends to be on the gear and process. However, it is just as important if not more to consider the conditions under which sound is...
Types of Microphones and their uses
Audio Academy’s sound engineering courses train students in every aspect of sound recording and live sound. For an average person on the street, the microphone is a device that picks up sound. However, for trainees of Audio Academy, the microphone is a transducer- a...
Do Musicians Make For Better Language Learners?
When it comes to music and its relationship to language learning, it is logical that paying close attention to pitch and rhythm gives musicians an advantage when it comes to language learning. Music and language have many similarities. Both are based on acoustic...
Analogue tape recording VS Modern digital recording
It has been many years since 2500-foot reels of magnetic tape began to be put into storage in favour of computer hard drives capable of recording music faster and cheaper than ever before. But decades after the digital revolution, the debates around whether analogue...
How To Develop Perfect Pitch
Whispers, horns, music, dog barks, the sound of the TV in the neighbour’s house— these are all sounds of the world that only come to life for us because of our ears. Capable of detecting sound waves that travel through the air into the ear, humans can detect...
An Extraordinary Sound Effect That Will Have You On The Edge of Your Seat
Remember the movie The Dark Knight and the sound of the Batpod, the motorcycle that sounds like it is constantly accelerating? What about the pace of the Christopher Nolan movie, Dunkirk— did it have you on the edge of your seat? The extremely effective sound effect...
Meyer Sound’s Bluehorn System Redefines The World of Loudspeakers
Meyer Sound’s Bluehorn System has been touted as a technological breakthrough that is the product of over six years of intensive research. It has very quickly won the appreciation of well-known film composers and music professionals and is seen as being a game changer...
The Intricacies of Stage Lighting & Design
From a rock show and a jazz concert, to a play staged outdoors or indoors, stage lighting is an aspect that can never be the same. The nuances of what makes for great lighting design is what makes this a special kind of craft. After all, a rock show needs to look very...
Seeing Sounds, Tasting Colours & Smelling Words: Synesthesia
Synesthesia is a perceptual condition in which stimulation of one sensory pathway triggers automatic, involuntary experiences in another sensory pathway. This causes the person to experience something through a blend of more than one sense, such as seeing sounds,...
I Build My Own Synths: Rushikesh Nene
Rushikesh Nene, an electrical engineer who has just finished his training in music production at Audio Academy built his own synthesizer. For those who love the idea of hacking together their own instruments, read on to see how he did it and maybe you can get some of...